Porsche Cayenne Gearbox Repair
Stephens Engineering in Ware regularly carry out a Porsche Cayenne gearbox repair in their Ware workshop.
The team of automatic gearbox repair specialists are knowledgeable and experienced repairers of Porsche automatic gearboxes, repairing and overhauling 6 speed and 8 speed Cayenne automatic gearboxes.
A common Porsche Cayenne issue seen in the Stephens Engineering workshop is a judder from the Porsche Cayenne transfer box when the vehicle is driven at certain speeds. At Stephens Engineering, we overhaul and repair both the 6 speed and 8 speed Cayenne automatic gearboxes in our dedicated workshop.
When the vehicle is driven at certain speeds, judders from the transfer box of the Porsche Cayenne are an indication of a problem within the automatic gearbox. Wear within the transfer box over time results in the judder as the vehicle is driven.
Stephens Engineering undertake an overhaul of the Porsche automatic gearbox, repairing and replacing worn components. Book your Porsche Cayenne gearbox repair with the automatic gearbox specialists at Stephens Engineering.