About Us
Stephens Engineering was established back in 1968 by the owner and working proprietor Mr Bill Stephens.
Automatic transmissions in those days were relatively simple in construction and needed only a competent mechanic to overhaul efficiently. It did not take long however for the modest automatic to evolve into the sophisticated state of the art transmission that we know today.
Electronics are combined with hydraulics and sensors, which are frequently coupled to the vehicles on board computer or E.C.U.
It has been our experience as automatic gearbox specialists, that over recent years it is essential to back a highly qualified team of engineers with the most high tech equipment, and this year we have installed from America two Test and Simulator Machines. This enables us to run the automatic gearboxes under road conditions using hydraulic pressures and switchable currents and loads to pin-point any possible weakness either now or more importantly in months to come.