Automatic Gearbox Repairs
As one of the largest and best equipped automatic gearbox repair companies in the UK, Stephens Engineering are specialist automatic gearbox repairers. Since 1968, we have repaired automatic automatic gearboxes and also the overhaul of automatic gearboxes.
There are nine service bays within the workshop. Each of the fully equipped service bays has a vehicle lift quick access to the gearbox. and all with vehicle lifts.
The machine shop is fully equipped to make new bespoke components for automatic gearboxes which may be unavailable. Being able to manufacture unavailable parts enables us to replace worn components in the automatic transmission unit.
Within the torque converter repair area, we diagnose torque converter faults. To carry out torque converter repairs, the torque converter is cut in half, enabling the parts inside the torque converter to be replaced. Once the components inside the torque converter have been replaced, the torque converter is then electrically welded and balanced, ready to be refitted.
Stephens Engineering carry out extensive fault finding diagnostics for automatic gearboxes.
The valve body facility has two machines which allows us to run the automatic gearbox valve body. The valve body within the transmission unit enables an automatic gearbox to function correctly and the performance of the automatic gearbox is impacted by faults within the automatic gearbox valve body.
Within our solenoid testing facility, we collect data from the automatic gearbox solenoids to compare the data to a new vehicle and fault find. Faulty solenoids in an automatic gearbox result in performance problems for a vehicle.
When we run an automatic gearbox and torque converter together through our dynameter, we have a diagnostic testing ability which is close to the standard of a manufacturer’s testing ability.
With the advances in automatic gearbox technology, comprehensive ongoing training ensures the dedicated team at Stephens Engineering to keep up with the changing automatic gearbox technologies.
Our extensive training includes ZF, the German car parts maker and Stephens Engineering are ZF (pro)Tech members. As the automatic gearbox evolves, the modern high speed automatic gearbox incorporates more variants, more speed and has a greater reliance on technology.
At Stephens Engineering we carry out automatic gearbox repairs from old classic cars to the modern automatic gearboxes of the new Rolls Royce and popular vehicles such as the Ford Focus.
With over 50 years experience repairing automatic gearboxes, the dedicated team at Stephens Engineering are knowledgeable and experienced, ready to repair your automatic gearbox.