Automatic Transmission Repairs
As the Stephens Engineering expert mechanics have over 50 years experience of automatic transmission repairs; you know your automatic gearbox is in safe hands when the Stephens Engineering mechanics carry out repairs to your vehicle’s automatic gearbox.
At Stephens Engineering, you will always find knowledgeable, expert mechanics with the experience to work on your automatic transmission and gearbox. With over fifty years experience, we have the expertise to rebuild the automatic gearbox on both stunning classic vehicles through to repairing the automatic transmission on current modern vehicles with seven speed automatic gearboxes, plus eight and nine speed automatic gearboxes. When we work on an automatic transmission, we don’t just replace the worn parts; replacement bushes and shims are manufactured in our workshop and we make them to fit the individual gearbox’s specification and running requirement.
Gearbox and engine damage can occur through wear and tear of the gearbox parts; thrust bearings eat into the gear case which if not rectified, can cause significant damage to your vehicle’s engine. To rectify or prevent this problem, we manufacture our own bronze replacement shims. Each of our bronze shims is bespoke manufactured to fit your individual automatic gearbox. Drag and judder can sometimes be a problem and to ensure we eliminate any drag and judder, we also fit a performance kit to the torque converter. In our experience, because we manufacture the individual components for each individual vehicle, we often find that the repaired transmission runs smoother because we don’t use ready made ‘off the peg’ components, replacement components are crafted within our workshops.
At Stephens Engineering, we not only manufacture bespoke, precision parts for your automatic gearbox, in addition, if during our thorough inspection, we discover any weaknesses within your gearbox, we will carry out the necessary modification work to update and modify your vehicle’s gearbox, giving your transmission exceptional service.
Don’t let wear and tear to your gearbox cause the catastrophic failure of your engine, let the expert mechanics at Stephens Engineering provide your transmission with our outstanding service.
Stephens Engineering are the automatic transmission repair specialists your car would choose.